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Landscaping For Outdoor Cooking, Dining and Entertaining

Although it seems almost impossible to contemplate before spring has so much as pushed a daffodil through the soil, Cooking & Dining food and eating it in the open air are two very pleasurable aspects of summer. The question is, does your landscape plan take these activities into account? If not, now might be the time to see where you can locate a barbecue in your garden, because most sites, even the smallest, will have a spot that is perfect for outdoor entertaining.

Barbecues range from imposing structures with stainless steel roast hoods and removable side tables to modest homemade brick or stone fireplaces with a grill on top, or tiny portable burners, which you can store in the kitchen cupboard when not in use. Since barbecues are essentially just a firebox and a Cooking & Dining plate, it is easy to design a structure that will fit with your landscape plan, and that will be both useful and beautiful.

To dine outdoors, you need a suitable sitting space within reach of the Cooking & Dining area. An appropriately furnished terrace or deck is ideal. Make sure the area is sheltered from the prevailing wind and that it will stay cool in summer and quite warm as the days get cooler towards fall. A (deciduous) tree or two can be an advantage in such an area, giving cooling shade in summer, but allowing winter sun through to the outdoor living space. If possible, ensure that the area is paved in a material that is easy to walk on, and that will not be ruinously discoloured if grease, food or drinks are spilled on it.

Many stores sell a wide range of outdoor furniture. A table and comfortable chairs are necessities, and should be made of weatherproof material that will stand up to summer sun and the occasional rain shower. Ensure they are easy to store away when winter comes - stacking chairs take up less space than other types. To your table and chairs you can add sun loungers, cushions, occasional tables and so on, as your budget and your site dictate.

If your area allows the lighting of open fires in summer, your barbecue complex can include wood storage areas for that campfire that invites guests to stay on long after dark. Possibly a fire pit is the safest way to provide a backyard fire that everyone will enjoy. A fire pit can be a great place to roast marshmallows, steaks - or a whole ox, depending on the size of your pit and your party. It also makes a romantic spot to sit around glowing embers in the twilight. An outdoor fireplace can be custom-built to your specifications using the materials you want - a combination of bricks and copper works well in both contemporary and traditional gardens and gives you a practical and safe way to enjoy a backyard fire. Pizza ovens are also becoming increasingly popular, providing food with that unmistakable "cooked-outdoors" flavor.

And when you are designing that outdoor Cooking & Dining and eating area, don't forget that proximity to the home's indoor kitchen can be useful when the cook needs that special spice - or glass of wine - he forgot to bring outdoors.

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